Friday, February 8, 2008

Domestic Goddess

I cannot believe the amount of rain we have had over this summer- we had 9- 15 mm of rain fall in Newcastle yesterday in 7 mins!! Our lawn is growing by the day and I haven't had to water the vege garden for well over a week!! I guess there are some benefits but I miss the sunshine and have had to dry all the clothes either inside or in the dryer which I hate- so not the same as sun and fresh air!!

Jessie is going spare because she is not getting all her much loved walks but today I bit the bullet and took her anyway- between drizzles.Have been doing lots of scrapbooking and art projects though which is quite therapeutic!!!

Have been eating constantly, which is not good- please bring on the sun so I can get the heck out of the house and out of the fridge!!!!!!!!!!!

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