Sunday, December 17, 2006

Prompt 17 "the perfect gift"

This for me the scrapper is the perfect gift. Something home-made, from the heart designed to really make someone feel special! That someone special is my neice, Olivia, who is 2 years old and I have made for her a min-book of her life in photos thus far. I hope one day when she is older she will look at this and realise just how special she is to me and what a unique little person she was as a child. I scrapped all night tonight to finish this book, almost there, and to finish my page for the journal so it's nearly midnight and I'm off to bed. Today was my last shift on ward 5G, very non-descript, I worked with no one I really knew -2 casual staff and then walked out of the door into a new season I feel for me .My prayer for this year is that 2007 will be a year of fulfillment for myself and Stu, that life will be full and meaningful to both of us, that we don't waste time with unnecessary happenings, see more of family and friends and live a more healthy lifestyle- these are not new years resolutions but ideas to be put into practice !!

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