Thursday, December 14, 2006

Who do you visit at Christmas? Prompt 15

This was the easiest by far we had strict instructions about what we could use on the page and that was it so it took me about 1o minutes! The quickest page I've done in my life. I'm just about to do prompt 16 and I'm up to date alright for some!!I love the fact that we spend Christmas with my family but that it's not a special occassion as we see each other all year round and that's the way it should be. I'd hate to spend my Christmas with people I didn't see all year but felt obliged to, Yuk! The only disappointing thing for Stu and I is that he's family is so far away in South Africa so we can't spend it with them as well but we celebrate whenever we see them, presents galore and it doesn't matter what month of the year it is we are just partying the whole time!!!

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